
Showing posts from December, 2012

Grandmother's expediton

One day my grandmother told me about an experience she had. In the early years of her marriage, my grandfather had planned an expedition to a place in Mexico called, La Cueva De El Diablo (The Devil's Cave). They were going to be around the area for two days and saw no harm in doing so. There were only three people in the expedition: the guide, my grandmother, and grandfather. She had told me that they had to climb a few hills and before getting to the cave, a mountain had to be climbed. According to the guide, the cave was atop the mountain. They were halfway up when they stopped to rest. There was a giant rock leaning on the mountain, which the guide was telling them they were going to use to climb further up. She said she turned to see the scenery and looked back at the rock. She talked to my grandfather for a bit; he was more than ready to start the climb again. She looked back at the rock beginning from the top and ending at the bottom. My grandmother said that as she made h


It is December 22, 2012 and we are still alive!