
Showing posts from March, 2014

Thai restaurant 9th year anniversary celebration

Today my husband surprised me by waking me up from my late slumber and ordering me to get up and get ready. While I was thinking he couldn't have been more rude, the question, why, came out. He is not a morning person so either it was an emergency or the fabled zombie apocalypse had happened. Neither had happened. He had simply won a reservation at a restaurant for us both and we were going to be late. Food at a restaurant I'd never heard of? I'm there! We entered the restaurant and the pleasant hostess greeted us at the door. Our reservation was confirmed and we were told to sit where we pleased. Much to our delight we saw my husband's best friend. We were promptly asked what type of beverage we would like to drink. We were given two options, water or Thai iced tea. I of course requested something I had never tried before, the Thai iced tea, while my husband played it safe with water. I must say the tea was absolutely delicious, the best I've tasted so